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Four Simple Things You Must Manage in Life

"It is the small changes that can introduce the tsunami of changes in life"-
Saunak Bhatta
Dear Friends, let me use this opportunity to serve you by writing something very simple. It is the simple things that we neglect, and it is the simple things that can bring complex changes in an unimaginable way.
Manage your Tomorrow’s Plan
The wall of today is built by the bricks of yesterday; the strength of those bricks determines the strength of our today. In the same way, it is the bricks of today that shall build the wall of tomorrow. We must see how we want our walls to look like, and accordingly workout to place right bricks in the right position. All of us live our days, but very least of us live our days the way we planned it, and the rarest of us create effective plans for our tomorrow. We take our tomorrow for granted, we take our coming week for granted, and we give the power of planning our tomorrow to the uncertainty of tomorrow. It is crucial to effectively manage our tomorrow’s plan. Take out a piece of paper and start writing how you want your tomorrow to be, your next month to be, your next year to be; in fact, how do you want your life to be ten years down the line? Based on those answers, start making plans, list of actions that you want to  take, the priorities you have for the next day, the urgent works, the important works, the deadlines, the interesting works and the progressive works that you want to achieve.
These lists and plans of action should be responsible for motivating you to wake up at the right time, to eat the right food, to leave your house at the right time, and return home with a smile that symbolizes the completion of your mission of the day and boosts you up to see your plans of the next day.
Manage Your Room
The management of your room shows the management of your life. A rough person has a rough room, a balanced person has a balanced room, a creative person has a creative room, and a simple person has a simple room. Your bedroom is the reflection of your psychology and present biography. Many of us blame our existing resources for the status of our bedroom. We always believe that our room could have been better, and the room could have better infrastructure, better color, and better assets if we have had better resources, but all of these opinions are only excuses in most of the cases. Our motivation always finds its way, and our hungry desire always explores a pathway to achieve the hunger.
We can begin to bring greater changes in our lives by bringing small changes in the room that we sleep in. Collect some money and change the color of the room if you want to, convince the house owner if you have to, bring better posters, or keep it clean, or change the curtain, or keep a board of dreams, or keep multiple sitting chairs or multiple beds that you can use differently at different times, paste some motivational quotes or paste the pictures of your moments of pride, keep some musical instruments, or bring a good sound system to play soothing music, be creative-even sky is not the limit. It is your bedroom where you spend your private time; therefore, it is very crucial to make it a paradise that can help you nurture your mind, potential and emotion.   
Manage Your Relationship
The happiness of Human beings is greatly dependent on their relationship with family, friends, their community and environment. In the process of reading this article, I encourage you to reflect your relationship status with your family members, friends, community and environment, and rate it either as “Excellent, Good, Moderate or Poor'.
After this simple evaluation, I encourage you to reflect upon what is not going well and what is going well in your relationship status with all these assets of life. Most of the time, at this age of youth, when career is our highest priority, we fail to focus on our relationship status; even if we do, and we limit the definition of relationship with only “girlfriend and boyfriend”. But it is crucial for us to understand that the quality of our career will be shaped by our relationship with our family, friends, community and environment because it is this relationship that influences our psychology, emotion, and also level of motivation towards our life. A person who goes through many conflicting times in family cannot have good sleep, good health or prosperous mindset when he/she is in his/her family. Similarly, a person cannot dream big when he/she is surrounded with friends who only dream of a house and a happy life.
It is the human beings we surround ourselves with who shape our mindset and influence the choices we make in our lives. They are our mirrors; they are the ones we become like; they are the ones we learn and get inspired from unconsciously. Similarly, for our psychology to be creative, and for our mindset to be fertile, we should start taking inspiration from the environment we are surrounded with. They are indeed our best teachers, if we open our eyes and see the possibilities they offer us every day. Our relationship with our environment influences our lives greatly, and it is crucial to begin to accept every component of environment like our own family member. Start communicating with them, start loving them, and start getting inspiration from them at various levels.
Manage your Emotions
The number of human angry birds, i.e. people who cannot stop doing all weird works when they are angry, is snowballing. Similarly, we have the disease of unhappiness spreading virally in our country. It is our emotion that has, the biggest power we hold is the power to choose our emotion for ourselves, the power to choose the feeling that we want to feel, the power to feel in certain way.
This awareness is the beginning of the journey of enriching this power that is inherited in us. Every day, it is important to work on our emotion by spending some alone time visualizing happiness, vibrant emotion, enthusiasm and optimism for the day, and the day without anger, pessimism and laziness.  This process of visualization, in the presence of soothing music for only five minutes every day continuously for a month, brings the habit of being emotionally vibrant, and brings our life greatly in our control.
The management of our Tomorrow’s Plan, Room, Relationship, and Emotion, is the starting point for all who want to be managers in life. The management of great things begins from personal management, i.e. management of our knowledge, of our everyday life, and of our surrounding. If we want to change our lives, we need to start changing the small things, because it is the small things that control the bigger paradigm. I hope this journey of personal transformation has already begun in you, and you will start changing these few things with your awareness, wisdom and passion towards bigger changes in life. I am already in this journey, and I wish to run together with you on this miraculous journey of personal transformation at a consistent pace.

Writer : Saunak Bhatta

Editor: Edna Shrestha

Note: This article originally appeared in the print magazine, Management Vision-an opinion based magazine of business and entrepreneurship prepared by the BBA students of People’s Campus. 


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